Verdivurdering Nordic Rutile AS

- Bank loan: 60%
- Offtake agreement: 15%
- Share issue: 25%
Cutoff @ 2%:
NORDIC RUTILE -50% -40% -30% -20% -10% Base case +10% +20% +30% +40% +50% +75% +100% Unit
Resource estimate (measured + indicated)  cut off 2% 62 75 87 100 112 125 137 150 162 175 187 218 249 Mt
TiO2 concentration, cut off 2% 3,53 % 3,53 % 3,53 % 3,53 % 3,53 % 3,53 % 3,53 % 3,53 % 3,53 % 3,53 % 3,53 % 3,53 % 3,53 % %
Yearly takeout 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 Mt
Estimated mine life 31,2 37,4 43,6 49,9 56,1 62,4 68,6 74,8 81,1 87,3 93,5 109,1 124,7 Years
Years of Open Pit mining 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Years
TiO2 recovery rate 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % %
Rutile TiO2 concentration 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % %
Yearly TiO2 production 40 906 40 906 40 906 40 906 40 906 40 906 40 906 40 906 40 906 40 906 40 906 40 906 40 906 Tonnes
Garnet concentration (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 2% 43,2 % 43,2 % 43,2% 43,2% 43,2% 43,2% 43,2 % 43,2 % 43,2 % 43,2 % 43,2 % 43,2 % 43,2 % %
Yearly garnet takeout estimate, (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 2% 0,86 0,86 0,86 0,86 0,86 0,86 0,86 0,86 0,86 0,86 0,86 0,86 0,86 Mt
Garnet recovery rate 34,3 % 34,3 % 34,3% 34,3% 34,3% 34,3% 34,3 % 34,3 % 34,3 % 34,3 % 34,3 % 34,3 % 34,3 % %
Yearly Garnet production 296127 296127 296127 296127 296127 296127 296127 296127 296127 296127 296127 296127 296127 Tonnes
Percentage of garnet production: 100-180 um 26,5 % 26,5 % 26,5% 26,5% 26,5% 26,5% 26,5 % 26,5 % 26,5 % 26,5 % 26,5 % 26,5 % 26,5 % %
Percentage of garnet production: 180-300 um 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % %
Percentage of garnet production: 300-400 um 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5% 33,5% 33,5% 33,5% 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % %
Yearly garnet production: 100-180 um 78 474 78 474 78 474 78 474 78 474 78 474 78 474 78 474 78 474 78 474 78 474 78 474 78 474 Tonnes
Yearly garnet production: 180-300 um 118451 118451 118451 118451 118451 118451 118451 118451 118451 118451 118451 118451 118451 Tonnes
Yearly garnet production: 300-400 um 99 202 99 202 99202 99202 99202 99202 99 202 99 202 99 202 99 202 99 202 99 202 99 202 Tonnes
TiO2 95% market value 525 630 735 840 945 1 050 1 155 1 260 1 365 1 470 1 575 1 838 2 100 USD/T
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge 223 267 312 356 401 445 490 534 579 623 668 779 890 USD/T
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 263 300 USD/T
Garnet market value - High Speed Cutting 38 45 53 60 68 75 83 90 98 105 113 131 150 USD/T
Average garnet sales price 102 122 142 162 183 203 223 244 264 284 305 355 406 USD/T
Yearly sales income TiO2 21 26 30 34 39 43 47 52 56 60 64 75 86 MUSD
Yearly sales income garnet, all qualities 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 105 120 MUSD
Yearly sales income (TiO2 + garnet) 54,09 64,91 75,72 86,54 97,36 103 113 124 134 144 155 180 206 MUSD
Operational cost per ton TiO2 & garnet, Open pit mining 275 330 385 440 495 550 605 660 715 770 825 963 1 100 MUSD
OPEX (annual production cost), Open pit mining 11 13 16 18 20 22 25 27 29 31 34 39 45 MUSD
Operational cost per ton TiO2 & garnet, Underground mining 485 582 679 776 873 970 1 067 1 164 1 261 1 358 1 455 1 698 1 940 USD/T
OPEX (annual production cost), Underground mining 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 69 79 MUSD
Exchange rate NOK/USD: 19.08.2017 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 NOK
Yearly profit, Open pit mining 40 48 56 64 73 81 89 97 105 113 121 141 161 MUSD
Yearly profit, Underground mining 32 38 44 51 57 63 70 76 82 89 95 111 127 MUSD
NPV 1 143 1 609 2 153 2 777 3 480 4 262 5 123 6 063 7 083 8 181 9 358 12 647 16 431 MUSD
Yearly profit, Open pit mining 313 376 439 501 564 627 689 752 815 877 940 1 097 1 254 MNOK
Yearly profit, Underground mining 247 296 345 395 444 493 542 592 641 690 740 863 986 MNOK
Total profit 3 384 5 905 9 042 12793 17159 22141 27 737 33 948 40 774 48 215 56 271 79 101 105774 MNOK
Base investment 1,10 1,32 1,54 1,76 1,98 2,20 2,42 2,64 2,86 3,08 3,30 3,85 4,40 BNOK
Percentage of Base investment with Bank financing 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % %
Offtake agreement 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % %
Share issue 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % %
Payback cost 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % %
Total investment cost 0,92 1,11 1,29 1,48 1,66 1,85 2,03 2,22 2,40 2,59 2,77 3,23 3,70 BNOK
New shares issued (Farmout) 11,85 14,22 16,59 18,97 21,34 23,71 26,08 28,45 30,82 33,19 35,56 41,49 47,41 Mill shares
New shares total 106,68 109,05 111,42 113,79 116,16 118,53 120,90 123,27 125,64 128,01 130,39 136,31 142,24 Mill shares
Share value 83 115 150 190 233 280 330 383 438 497 558 722 898 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 30 81 95 108 121 133 145 156 167 178 188 198 221 242 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 25 69 81 93 104 114 124 134 143 152 161 169 189 207 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 20 57 67 77 86 95 103 112 119 127 134 141 157 172 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 15 46 54 62 69 76 83 89 95 101 107 113 126 138 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 10 29 34 39 44 49 53 57 61 65 69 72 80 88 NOK/share
Cutoff @ 3%:
NORDIC RUTILE -50% -40% -30% -20% -10% Base case +10% +20% +30% +40% +50% +75% +100% Unit
Resource estimate (measured + indicated)  cut off 3% 46 56 65 74 83 93 102 111 120 130 139 162 185 Mt
TiO2 concentration, cut off 3% 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89% 3,89% 3,89% 3,89% 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % %
Yearly takeout 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 Mt
Estimated mine life 23,1 27,8 32,4 37,0 41,6 46,3 50,9 55,5 60,1 64,8 69,4 80,9 92,5 Years
Years of Open Pit mining 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Years
TiO2 recovery rate 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % %
Rutile TiO2 concentration 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % 95 % %
Yearly TiO2 production 44 998 44 998 44998 44998 44998 44998 44 998 44 998 44 998 44 998 44 998 44 998 44 998 Tonnes
Garnet concentration (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7% 43,7% 43,7% 43,7% 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % %
Yearly garnet takeout estimate, (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 0,87 0,87 0,87 0,87 0,87 0,87 0,87 0,87 0,87 0,87 0,87 0,87 0,87 Mt
Garnet recovery rate 34,3 % 34,3 % 34,3% 34,3% 34,3% 34,3% 34,3 % 34,3 % 34,3 % 34,3 % 34,3 % 34,3 % 34,3 % %
Yearly Garnet production 300071 300071 300071 300071 300071 300071 300071 300071 300071 300071 300071 300071 300071 Tonnes
Percentage of garnet production: 100-180 um 26,5 % 26,5 % 26,5 % 26,5 % 26,5 % 26,5 % 26,5 % 26,5 % 26,5 % 26,5 % 26,5 % 26,5 % 26,5 % %
Percentage of garnet production: 180-300 um 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % 40,0 % %
Percentage of garnet production: 300-400 um 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % %
Yearly garnet production: 100-180 um 79 519 79 519 79 519 79 519 79 519 79 519 79 519 79 519 79 519 79 519 79 519 79 519 79 519 Tonnes
Yearly garnet production: 180-300 um 120028 120028 120028 120028 120028 120028 120028 120028 120028 120028 120028 120028 120028 Tonnes
Yearly garnet production: 300-400 um 100524 100524 100524 100524 100524 100524 100524 100524 100524 100524 100524 100524 100524 Tonnes
TiO2 95% market value 525 630 735 840 945 1 050 1 155 1 260 1 365 1 470 1 575 1 838 2 100 USD/T
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge 223 267 312 356 401 445 490 534 579 623 668 779 890 USD/T
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 263 300 USD/T
Garnet market value - High Speed Cutting 38 45 53 60 68 75 83 90 98 105 113 131 150 USD/T
Average garnet sales price 102 122 142 162 183 203 223 244 264 284 305 355 406 USD/T
Yearly sales income TiO2 24 28 33 38 43 47 52 57 61 66 71 83 94 MUSD
Yearly sales income garnet, all qualities 30 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 107 122 MUSD
Yearly sales income (TiO2 + garnet) 54 65 76 87 97 108 119 130 141 151 162 189 216 MUSD
Operational cost per ton TiO2 & garnet, Open pit mining 275 330 385 440 495 550 605 660 715 770 825 963 1 100 USD/T
OPEX (annual production cost), Open pit mining 12 15 17 20 22 25 27 30 32 35 37 43 49 MUSD
Operational cost per ton TiO2 & garnet, Underground mining 485 582 679 776 873 970 1 067 1 164 1 261 1 358 1 455 1 698 1 940 USD/T
OPEX (annual production cost), Underground mining 22 26 31 35 39 44 48 52 57 61 65 76 87 MUSD
Exchange rate NOK/USD: 19.08.2017 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 7,78 NOK
Yearly profit, Open pit mining 42 50 58 67 75 83 92 100 108 117 125 146 167 MUSD
Yearly profit, Underground mining 32 39 45 52 58 65 71 77 84 90 97 113 129 MUSD
NPV 916 1 279 1 701 2 182 2 724 3 325 3 985 4 706 5 486 6 326 7 225 9 735 12 618 MUSD
Yearly profit, Open pit mining 324 389 454 519 584 649 714 779 844 908 973 1 136 1 298 MNOK
Yearly profit, Underground mining 251 301 351 402 452 502 552 602 652 703 753 878 1 004 MNOK
NPV 1 428 3 106 5 249 7 856 10 927 14 463 18 462 22 926 27 854 33 247 39 104 55 777 75 351 MNOK
Base investment 1,10 1,32 1,54 1,76 1,98 2,20 2,42 2,64 2,86 3,08 3,30 3,85 4,40 BNOK
Percentage of Base investment with Bank financing 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % %
Offtake agreement 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % %
Farmout 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % %
Payback cost 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % %
Total investment cost 0,92 1,11 1,29 1,48 1,66 1,85 2,03 2,22 2,40 2,59 2,77 3,23 3,70 BNOK
New shares issued (Farmout) 11,85 14,22 16,59 18,97 21,34 23,71 26,08 28,45 30,82 33,19 35,56 41,49 47,41 Mill shares
New shares total 106,68 109,05 111,42 113,79 116,16 118,53 120,90 123,27 125,64 128,01 130,39 136,31 142,24 Mill shares
Share value 67 91 119 149 182 218 256 297 340 384 431 555 690 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 30 83 97 111 124 137 149 161 172 183 194 204 227 249 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 25 71 84 95 107 118 128 138 148 157 166 175 195 214 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 20 59 70 80 89 98 107 115 123 131 139 146 163 178 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 15 48 56 64 72 79 86 93 99 105 111 117 131 143 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 10 30 36 41 46 50 55 59 63 67 71 75 83 91 NOK/share
Oppdatert 2016-12-16:
Major updates:
Updated number of shares after a private placement of 8 620 000 shares
  •   Spencer Trading AS
  •   A London based asset management fund
  •   Alden AS
  •   Tigerstaden AS
6 378 666 shares will be issued approx. 18.12.2016
2 241 334 shares will be issued approx. 10.01.2017
Resource variables Mt TiO2 % Garnet %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Measured) (Selected) 15 3,97 % 44,6 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Indicated) (Selected) 77,5 3,87 % 43,6 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Measured + indicated) (Selected) 92,5 3,89 % 43,7 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Inferred)(Selected) 138,4 3,86 % 43,5 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% measured + indicated + inferred) (Selected) 230,9 3,87 % 43,6 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Measured) 19 3,68 % 43,9 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Indicated) 105,7 3,51 % 43,0 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Measured + indicated) 124,7 3,53 % 43,2 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Inferred) 254,5 3,22 % 42,5 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% measured + indicated + inferred) 379,2 3,32 % 42,7 %
Select company estimate (2011) or 2016 updated estimate 2016 est.
Select Cut off grade: 3,0 %
Other variables Base case  
Estimated mine life 50 Years
Open pit mining 15 Years
Annual payback 500 MNOK
Payback time 4,9 Years
Payback rate 1,8 -
Yearly takeout 4,0 Mt
Exchange rate USD (2011) 5,6070 NOK
Exchange rate USD 30.11.2016 8,51 NOK
Operational Cash Cost percentage in USD 14,5 % %
Operational Cash Cost percentage in NOK 85,5 % %
Base investment cost percentage in USD 62,90 % %
Base investment cost percentage in NOK 37,10 % %
Company estimated CAPEX (2011), Investment year 0: 2014 2014  
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Production start up: 2016 2016  
External investor project share 40 % %
No. Of shares 92,6 Mill.
Additional share issue 0 Mill.
Inflation adjusted 2,5 % p.a. from 2013 to 2020 (7 x 2,5%) 2,50 % %
Rutile variables Base case  
Yearly rutile production (Selected) 97500 tonnes
TiO2 recovery rate 55 % %
TiO2 long term price 1050 USD/t
Garnet variables Base case  
Yearly garnet production, High Precision Edge 200000 tonnes
Yearly garnet production, High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) (Selected) 0 tonnes
Yearly garnet production, High Speed Cutting (Selected) 0 tonnes
Garnet grain size range 100-400 um
Garnet recovery rate (Selected) 38 % %
Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge: 100-180 um (26,7 %) 27 Mt
Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard): 180-300 um (40 %) 40 Mt
Garnet grain size - High Speed Cutting: 300-400 um (33,3 %) 34 Mt
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge 445 USD/t
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) 150 USD/t
Garnet market value - High Speed Cutting 75 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining    
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining 550 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining incl. By-prod. 185 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining, OPEX share in USD 80 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 5,607 2637 NOK/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining    
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining 970 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining incl. By-prod. 550 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining, OPEX share in USD 141 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 5,607 4650 NOK/t
Company estimated CAPEX (2011)    
Company estimated CAPEX (2011) 300 MUSD
Company estimated CAPEX (2011), share in USD 189 MUSD
Company estimated CAPEX (2011), CAPEX share in NOK, rate 5,607 624 MNOK
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining    
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining, OPEX share in USD 80 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 8,51 310 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining 390 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining    
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining, OPEX share in USD 141 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 8,51 546 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining 687 USD/t
Estimated CAPEX (2016)    
Estimated CAPEX (2016), share in USD 189 MUSD
Estimated CAPEX (2016), CAPEX share in NOK, rate 8,51 73 MUSD
Estimated CAPEX (2016) 262 MUSD
Estimated CAPEX (2016) inflation adjusted 2014-2018, 2,5% p.a. 27 MUSD
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining inflation adjusted 2016-2020, 2,5% p.a. 40 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining inflation adjusted 2016-2020, 2,5% p.a. 71 USD/t
Estimated CAPEX (2016) inflation adjusted for investment year 0 = 2018 (Selected) 289 MUSD
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining inflation adjusted for production start up 2020 (Selected) 430 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining inflation adjusted for production start up 2020 (Selected) 758 USD/t
Estimated CAPEX (2016) change -3,6 % %
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining change -21,8 % %
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining change -21,8 % %
Garnet Water Jet qualities micron  
High Precision Edge 100-180 um
High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) 180-300 um
High Speed Cutting 300-400 um
CAPEX and OPEX; 2,5% inflation adjusted p.a. for startup 2020 CAPEX OPEX 1 OPEX 2 Inflation
2011       2,50 %
2012       2,50 %
2013       2,50 %
2014 262     2,50 %
2015 269     2,50 %
2016 275 390 687 2,50 %
2017 282 399 704 2,50 %
2018 289 409 722 2,50 %
2019   420 740 2,50 %
2020   430 758 2,50 %
NORDIC RUTILE -20% -15% -10% -5% Base case +20% +40% +60% +80% +100% Unit
TiO2 resource estimate (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 Mt
TiO2 concentration (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % %
TiO2 resource estimate (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 Mt
TiO2 concentration (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % %
TiO2 total (measured + indicated + inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 Mt
TiO2 concentration (measured + indicated + inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % %
Yearly takeout 3,6 3,9 4,1 4,3 4,6 5,5 6,4 7,3 8,2 9,1 Mt
TiO2 recovery rate 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % %
Yearly TiO2 production 78000 82875 87750 92625 97500 117000 136500 156000 175500 195000 t
Estimated mine life 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Years
Garnet concentration (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % %
Garnet resource estimate, (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 Mt
Garnet concentration (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % %
Garnet resource estimate, (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 Mt
Concentration of Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge: 100-180 um (26,7 %) 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % %
Concentration of Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard): 180-300 um (40 %) 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % %
Concentration of Garnet grain size - High Speed Cutting: 300-400 um (33,3 %) 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % %
Garnet total (measured + indicated + inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 Mt
Garnet recovery rate 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % %
Yearly production Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge: 100-180 um (26,7 %) 160689 170732 180775 190818 200861 241033 281206 321378 361550 401722 t
Yearly production Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard): 180-300 um (40 %) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t
Yearly production Garnet grain size - High Speed Cutting: 300-400 um (33,3 %) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t
TiO2 95% market value 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 USD/ton
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 USD/ton
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 USD/ton
Garnet market value - High Speed Cutting 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 USD/ton
Yearly sales income TiO2 82 87 92 97 102 123 143 164 184 205 MUSD
Yearly sales income garnet, all qualities 72 76 80 85 89 107 125 143 161 179 MUSD
Yearly sales income (TiO2 + garnet) 153 163 173 182 192 230 268 307 345 384 MUSD
Operational cost per ton TiO2 & garnet, Open pit mining 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 USD/ton
OPEX (annual production cost), Open pit mining 33,5 35,6 37,7 39,8 41,9 50,3 58,7 67,1 75,5 83,9 MUSD
Operational cost per ton TiO2 & garnet, Underground mining 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 USD/ton
OPEX (annual production cost), Underground mining 59,2 62,9 66,6 70,2 73,9 88,7 103,5 118,3 133,1 147,9 MUSD
Exchange rate USD/NOK  8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 NOK/USD
Yearly profit, Open pit mining 1020 1084 1148 1211 1275 1530 1785 2040 2295 2550 MNOK
Yearly profit, Underground mining 802 852 902 952 1003 1203 1404 1604 1805 2005 MNOK
Total profit 43,7 46,4 49,2 51,9 54,6 65,6 76,5 87,4 98,3 109,3 BNOK
Total TiO2 production @ Cut Off 3% 3,9 4,2 4,4 4,7 4,9 5,9 6,9 7,9 8,8 9,8 Mt
Total garnet production @ Cut Off 3% 8,1 8,6 9,1 9,6 10,1 12,2 14,2 16,2 18,2 20,3 Mt
TiO2 utilization 44 % 47 % 50 % 52 % 55 % 66 % 77 % 88 % 99 % 100 % %
High Precision Edge utilization 30 % 32 % 34 % 36 % 38 % 45 % 53 % 60 % 68 % 75 % %
High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) utilization 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % %
High Speed Cutting utilization 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % %
Base investment 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 BNOK
Payback cost 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 BNOK
Total investment cost 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 BNOK
External investor project share 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % %
Remaining investment cost 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 BNOK
Remaining yearly profit, Open pit mining 612 650 689 727 765 918 1071 1224 1377 1530 MNOK
Remaining yearly profit, Underground mining 481 511 541 571 602 722 842 962 1083 1203 MNOK
Remaining total profit 26,2 27,9 29,5 31,1 32,8 39,3 45,9 52,4 59,0 65,6 BNOK
Number of shares 92,6 92,6 92,6 92,6 92,6 92,6 92,6 92,6 92,6 92,6 Mill.
Estimated additional share issue 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Mill.
Total number of shares at startup 92,6 92,6 92,6 92,6 92,6 92,6 92,6 92,6 92,6 92,6 Mill.
Payback time 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 Years
NPV 23,9 25,5 27,2 28,8 30,4 37,0 43,5 50,1 56,7 74,8 BNOK
Share value 257,9 275,6 293,3 311,0 328,7 399,5 470,3 541,1 611,9 807,8 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 20 99,8 107,6 115,4 123,3 131,1 162,4 193,7 224,9 256,2 287,5 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 15 73,8 80,0 86,2 92,4 98,6 123,4 148,2 173,0 197,8 222,5 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 10 47,8 52,4 57,0 61,5 66,1 84,4 102,7 121,0 139,3 157,6 NOK/share
Major changes:
Adjusted number of shares after reverse split 6:1
Resource variables Mt TiO2 % Garnet %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Measured) (Selected) 15 3,97 % 44,6 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Indicated) (Selected) 77,5 3,87 % 43,6 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Measured + indicated) (Selected) 92,5 3,89 % 43,7 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Inferred)(Selected) 138,4 3,86 % 43,5 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% measured + indicated + inferred) (Selected) 230,9 3,87 % 43,6 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Measured) 19 3,68 % 43,9 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Indicated) 105,7 3,51 % 43,0 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Measured + indicated) 124,7 3,53 % 43,2 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Inferred) 254,5 3,22 % 42,5 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% measured + indicated + inferred) 379,2 3,32 % 42,7 %
Select company estimate (2011) or 2016 updated estimate 2016 est.
Select Cut off grade: 3,0 %
Other variables Base case  
Estimated mine life 50 Years
Open pit mining 15 Years
Annual payback 500 MNOK
Payback time 4,9 Years
Payback rate 1,8 -
Yearly takeout 4,0 Mt
Exchange rate USD (2011) 5,6070 NOK
Exchange rate USD 30.11.2016 8,51 NOK
Operational Cash Cost percentage in USD 14,5 % %
Operational Cash Cost percentage in NOK 85,5 % %
Base investment cost percentage in USD 62,90 % %
Base investment cost percentage in NOK 37,10 % %
Company estimated CAPEX (2011), Investment year 0: 2014 2014  
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Production start up: 2016 2016  
External investor project share 40 % %
No. Of shares 86,21 Mill.
Additional share issue 0 Mill.
Inflation adjusted 2,5 % p.a. from 2013 to 2020 (7 x 2,5%) 2,50 % %
Rutile variables Base case  
Yearly rutile production (Selected) 97500 tonnes
TiO2 recovery rate 55 % %
TiO2 long term price 1050 USD/t
Garnet variables Base case  
Yearly garnet production, High Precision Edge 200000 tonnes
Yearly garnet production, High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) (Selected) 0 tonnes
Yearly garnet production, High Speed Cutting (Selected) 0 tonnes
Garnet grain size range 100-400 um
Garnet recovery rate (Selected) 38 % %
Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge: 100-180 um (26,7 %) 27 Mt
Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard): 180-300 um (40 %) 40 Mt
Garnet grain size - High Speed Cutting: 300-400 um (33,3 %) 34 Mt
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge 445 USD/t
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) 150 USD/t
Garnet market value - High Speed Cutting 75 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining    
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining 550 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining incl. By-prod. 185 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining, OPEX share in USD 80 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 5,607 2637 NOK/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining    
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining 970 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining incl. By-prod. 550 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining, OPEX share in USD 141 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 5,607 4650 NOK/t
Company estimated CAPEX (2011)    
Company estimated CAPEX (2011) 300 MUSD
Company estimated CAPEX (2011), share in USD 189 MUSD
Company estimated CAPEX (2011), CAPEX share in NOK, rate 5,607 624 MNOK
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining    
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining, OPEX share in USD 80 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 8,51 310 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining 390 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining    
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining, OPEX share in USD 141 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 8,51 546 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining 687 USD/t
Estimated CAPEX (2016)    
Estimated CAPEX (2016), share in USD 189 MUSD
Estimated CAPEX (2016), CAPEX share in NOK, rate 8,51 73 MUSD
Estimated CAPEX (2016) 262 MUSD
Estimated CAPEX (2016) inflation adjusted 2014-2018, 2,5% p.a. 27 MUSD
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining inflation adjusted 2016-2020, 2,5% p.a. 40 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining inflation adjusted 2016-2020, 2,5% p.a. 71 USD/t
Estimated CAPEX (2016) inflation adjusted for investment year 0 = 2018 (Selected) 289 MUSD
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining inflation adjusted for production start up 2020 (Selected) 430 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining inflation adjusted for production start up 2020 (Selected) 758 USD/t
Estimated CAPEX (2016) change -3,6 % %
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining change -21,8 % %
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining change -21,8 % %
Garnet Water Jet qualities micron  
High Precision Edge 100-180 um
High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) 180-300 um
High Speed Cutting 300-400 um
CAPEX and OPEX; 2,5% inflation adjusted p.a. for startup 2020 CAPEX OPEX 1 OPEX 2 Inflation
2011       2,50 %
2012       2,50 %
2013       2,50 %
2014 262     2,50 %
2015 269     2,50 %
2016 275 390 687 2,50 %
2017 282 399 704 2,50 %
2018 289 409 722 2,50 %
2019   420 740 2,50 %
2020   430 758 2,50 %
NORDIC RUTILE -20% -15% -10% -5% Base case +20% +40% +60% +80% +100% Unit
TiO2 resource estimate (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 Mt
TiO2 concentration (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % %
TiO2 resource estimate (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 Mt
TiO2 concentration (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % %
TiO2 total (measured + indicated + inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 Mt
TiO2 concentration (measured + indicated + inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % %
Yearly takeout 3,6 3,9 4,1 4,3 4,6 5,5 6,4 7,3 8,2 9,1 Mt
TiO2 recovery rate 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % %
Yearly TiO2 production 78000 82875 87750 92625 97500 117000 136500 156000 175500 195000 t
Estimated mine life 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Years
Garnet concentration (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % %
Garnet resource estimate, (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 Mt
Garnet concentration (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % %
Garnet resource estimate, (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 Mt
Concentration of Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge: 100-180 um (26,7 %) 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % %
Concentration of Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard): 180-300 um (40 %) 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % %
Concentration of Garnet grain size - High Speed Cutting: 300-400 um (33,3 %) 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % %
Garnet total (measured + indicated + inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 Mt
Garnet recovery rate 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % %
Yearly production Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge: 100-180 um (26,7 %) 160689 170732 180775 190818 200861 241033 281206 321378 361550 401722 t
Yearly production Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard): 180-300 um (40 %) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t
Yearly production Garnet grain size - High Speed Cutting: 300-400 um (33,3 %) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t
TiO2 95% market value 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 USD/ton
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 USD/ton
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 USD/ton
Garnet market value - High Speed Cutting 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 USD/ton
Yearly sales income TiO2 82 87 92 97 102 123 143 164 184 205 MUSD
Yearly sales income garnet, all qualities 72 76 80 85 89 107 125 143 161 179 MUSD
Yearly sales income (TiO2 + garnet) 153 163 173 182 192 230 268 307 345 384 MUSD
Operational cost per ton TiO2 & garnet, Open pit mining 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 USD/ton
OPEX (annual production cost), Open pit mining 33,5 35,6 37,7 39,8 41,9 50,3 58,7 67,1 75,5 83,9 MUSD
Operational cost per ton TiO2 & garnet, Underground mining 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 USD/ton
OPEX (annual production cost), Underground mining 59,2 62,9 66,6 70,2 73,9 88,7 103,5 118,3 133,1 147,9 MUSD
Exchange rate USD/NOK 30.11.2016 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 NOK/USD
Yearly profit, Open pit mining 1020 1084 1148 1211 1275 1530 1785 2040 2295 2550 MNOK
Yearly profit, Underground mining 802 852 902 952 1003 1203 1404 1604 1805 2005 MNOK
Total profit 43,7 46,4 49,2 51,9 54,6 65,6 76,5 87,4 98,3 109,3 BNOK
Total TiO2 production @ Cut Off 3% 3,9 4,2 4,4 4,7 4,9 5,9 6,9 7,9 8,8 9,8 Mt
Total garnet production @ Cut Off 3% 8,1 8,6 9,1 9,6 10,1 12,2 14,2 16,2 18,2 20,3 Mt
TiO2 utilization 44 % 47 % 50 % 52 % 55 % 66 % 77 % 88 % 99 % 100 % %
High Precision Edge utilization 30 % 32 % 34 % 36 % 38 % 45 % 53 % 60 % 68 % 75 % %
High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) utilization 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % %
High Speed Cutting utilization 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % %
Base investment 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 BNOK
Payback cost 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 BNOK
Total investment cost 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 BNOK
External investor project share 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % %
Remaining investment cost 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 BNOK
Remaining yearly profit, Open pit mining 612 650 689 727 765 918 1071 1224 1377 1530 MNOK
Remaining yearly profit, Underground mining 481 511 541 571 602 722 842 962 1083 1203 MNOK
Remaining total profit 26,2 27,9 29,5 31,1 32,8 39,3 45,9 52,4 59,0 65,6 BNOK
Number of shares 86,2 86,2 86,2 86,2 86,2 86,2 86,2 86,2 86,2 86,2 Mill.
Estimated additional share issue 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Mill.
Total number of shares at startup 86,2 86,2 86,2 86,2 86,2 86,2 86,2 86,2 86,2 86,2 Mill.
Payback time 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 Years
NPV 23,9 25,5 27,2 28,8 30,4 37,0 43,5 50,1 56,7 74,8 BNOK
Share value 277,0 296,0 315,0 334,0 353,0 429,1 505,1 581,1 657,2 867,5 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 20 107,2 115,6 124,0 132,4 140,8 174,4 208,0 241,6 275,2 308,8 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 15 79,3 85,9 92,6 99,2 105,9 132,5 159,1 185,8 212,4 239,0 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 10 51,4 56,3 61,2 66,1 71,0 90,7 110,3 129,9 149,6 169,2 NOK/share
Updated: 2016-11-30:
Major changes:
  • Garnet recovery rate increased from 22% to 37,5% to match an outtake of 200 000 t/year as announced here
  • Updated USD exchange rate from 8,05 to 8,51
Resource variables Mt TiO2 % Garnet %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Measured) (Selected) 15 3,97 % 44,6 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Indicated) (Selected) 77,5 3,87 % 43,6 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Measured + indicated) (Selected) 92,5 3,89 % 43,7 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Inferred)(Selected) 138,4 3,86 % 43,5 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% measured + indicated + inferred) (Selected) 230,9 3,87 % 43,6 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Measured) 19 3,68 % 43,9 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Indicated) 105,7 3,51 % 43,0 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Measured + indicated) 124,7 3,53 % 43,2 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Inferred) 254,5 3,22 % 42,5 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% measured + indicated + inferred) 379,2 3,32 % 42,7 %
Select company estimate (2011) or 2016 updated estimate 2016 est.
Select Cut off grade: 3,0 %
Other variables Base case  
Estimated mine life 50 Years
Open pit mining 15 Years
Annual payback 500 MNOK
Payback time 4,9 Years
Payback rate 1,8 -
Yearly takeout 4,0 Mt
Exchange rate USD (2011) 5,6070 NOK
Exchange rate USD 30.11.2016 8,51 NOK
Operational Cash Cost percentage in USD 14,5 % %
Operational Cash Cost percentage in NOK 85,5 % %
Base investment cost percentage in USD 62,90 % %
Base investment cost percentage in NOK 37,10 % %
Company estimated CAPEX (2011), Investment year 0: 2014 2014  
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Production start up: 2016 2016  
External investor project share 40 % %
No. Of shares 517,2 Mill.
Additional share issue 0 Mill.
Inflation adjusted 2,5 % p.a. from 2013 to 2020 (7 x 2,5%) 2,50 % %
Rutile variables Base case  
Yearly rutile production (Selected) 97500 tonnes
TiO2 recovery rate 55 % %
TiO2 long term price 1050 USD/t
Garnet variables Base case  
Yearly garnet production, High Precision Edge 200000 tonnes
Yearly garnet production, High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) (Selected) 0 tonnes
Yearly garnet production, High Speed Cutting (Selected) 0 tonnes
Garnet grain size range 100-400 um
Garnet recovery rate (Selected) 38 % %
Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge: 100-180 um (26,7 %) 27 Mt
Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard): 180-300 um (40 %) 40 Mt
Garnet grain size - High Speed Cutting: 300-400 um (33,3 %) 34 Mt
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge 445 USD/t
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) 150 USD/t
Garnet market value - High Speed Cutting 75 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining    
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining 550 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining incl. By-prod. 185 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining, OPEX share in USD 80 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 5,607 2637 NOK/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining    
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining 970 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining incl. By-prod. 550 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining, OPEX share in USD 141 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 5,607 4650 NOK/t
Company estimated CAPEX (2011)    
Company estimated CAPEX (2011) 300 MUSD
Company estimated CAPEX (2011), share in USD 189 MUSD
Company estimated CAPEX (2011), CAPEX share in NOK, rate 5,607 624 MNOK
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining    
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining, OPEX share in USD 80 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 8,51 310 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining 390 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining    
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining, OPEX share in USD 141 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 8,51 546 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining 687 USD/t
Estimated CAPEX (2016)    
Estimated CAPEX (2016), share in USD 189 MUSD
Estimated CAPEX (2016), CAPEX share in NOK, rate 8,51 73 MUSD
Estimated CAPEX (2016) 262 MUSD
Estimated CAPEX (2016) inflation adjusted 2014-2018, 2,5% p.a. 27 MUSD
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining inflation adjusted 2016-2020, 2,5% p.a. 40 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining inflation adjusted 2016-2020, 2,5% p.a. 71 USD/t
Estimated CAPEX (2016) inflation adjusted for investment year 0 = 2018 (Selected) 289 MUSD
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining inflation adjusted for production start up 2020 (Selected) 430 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining inflation adjusted for production start up 2020 (Selected) 758 USD/t
Estimated CAPEX (2016) change -3,6 % %
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining change -21,8 % %
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining change -21,8 % %
Garnet Water Jet qualities micron  
High Precision Edge 100-180 um
High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) 180-300 um
High Speed Cutting 300-400 um
CAPEX and OPEX; 2,5% inflation adjusted p.a. for startup 2020 CAPEX OPEX 1 OPEX 2 Inflation
2011       2,50 %
2012       2,50 %
2013       2,50 %
2014 262     2,50 %
2015 269     2,50 %
2016 275 390 687 2,50 %
2017 282 399 704 2,50 %
2018 289 409 722 2,50 %
2019   420 740 2,50 %
2020   430 758 2,50 %
NORDIC RUTILE -20% -15% -10% -5% Base case +20% +40% +60% +80% +100% Unit
TiO2 resource estimate (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 Mt
TiO2 concentration (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % %
TiO2 resource estimate (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 Mt
TiO2 concentration (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % %
TiO2 total (measured + indicated + inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 Mt
TiO2 concentration (measured + indicated + inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % %
Yearly takeout 3,6 3,9 4,1 4,3 4,6 5,5 6,4 7,3 8,2 9,1 Mt
TiO2 recovery rate 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % %
Yearly TiO2 production 78000 82875 87750 92625 97500 117000 136500 156000 175500 195000 t
Estimated mine life 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Years
Garnet concentration (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % %
Garnet resource estimate, (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 Mt
Garnet concentration (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % %
Garnet resource estimate, (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 Mt
Concentration of Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge: 100-180 um (26,7 %) 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % %
Concentration of Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard): 180-300 um (40 %) 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % %
Concentration of Garnet grain size - High Speed Cutting: 300-400 um (33,3 %) 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % %
Garnet total (measured + indicated + inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 Mt
Garnet recovery rate 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % 37,5 % %
Yearly production Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge: 100-180 um (26,7 %) 160689 170732 180775 190818 200861 241033 281206 321378 361550 401722 t
Yearly production Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard): 180-300 um (40 %) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t
Yearly production Garnet grain size - High Speed Cutting: 300-400 um (33,3 %) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t
TiO2 95% market value 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 USD/ton
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 USD/ton
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 USD/ton
Garnet market value - High Speed Cutting 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 USD/ton
Yearly sales income TiO2 82 87 92 97 102 123 143 164 184 205 MUSD
Yearly sales income garnet, all qualities 72 76 80 85 89 107 125 143 161 179 MUSD
Yearly sales income (TiO2 + garnet) 153 163 173 182 192 230 268 307 345 384 MUSD
Operational cost per ton TiO2 & garnet, Open pit mining 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 USD/ton
OPEX (annual production cost), Open pit mining 33,5 35,6 37,7 39,8 41,9 50,3 58,7 67,1 75,5 83,9 MUSD
Operational cost per ton TiO2 & garnet, Underground mining 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 758 USD/ton
OPEX (annual production cost), Underground mining 59,2 62,9 66,6 70,2 73,9 88,7 103,5 118,3 133,1 147,9 MUSD
Exchange rate USD/NOK 30.11.2016 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 8,51 NOK/USD
Yearly profit, Open pit mining 1020 1084 1148 1211 1275 1530 1785 2040 2295 2550 MNOK
Yearly profit, Underground mining 802 852 902 952 1003 1203 1404 1604 1805 2005 MNOK
Total profit 43,7 46,4 49,2 51,9 54,6 65,6 76,5 87,4 98,3 109,3 BNOK
Total TiO2 production @ Cut Off 3% 3,9 4,2 4,4 4,7 4,9 5,9 6,9 7,9 8,8 9,8 Mt
Total garnet production @ Cut Off 3% 8,1 8,6 9,1 9,6 10,1 12,2 14,2 16,2 18,2 20,3 Mt
TiO2 utilization 44 % 47 % 50 % 52 % 55 % 66 % 77 % 88 % 99 % 100 % %
High Precision Edge utilization 30 % 32 % 34 % 36 % 38 % 45 % 53 % 60 % 68 % 75 % %
High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) utilization 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % %
High Speed Cutting utilization 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % %
Base investment 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 BNOK
Payback cost 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 BNOK
Total investment cost 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 BNOK
External investor project share 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % %
Remaining investment cost 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 BNOK
Remaining yearly profit, Open pit mining 612 650 689 727 765 918 1071 1224 1377 1530 MNOK
Remaining yearly profit, Underground mining 481 511 541 571 602 722 842 962 1083 1203 MNOK
Remaining total profit 26,2 27,9 29,5 31,1 32,8 39,3 45,9 52,4 59,0 65,6 BNOK
Number of shares 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 Mill.
Estimated additional share issue 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Mill.
Total number of shares at startup 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 Mill.
Payback time 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 Years
NPV 23,9 25,5 27,2 28,8 30,4 37,0 43,5 50,1 56,7 74,8 BNOK
Share value 46,2 49,3 52,5 55,7 58,8 71,5 84,2 96,9 109,5 144,6 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 20 17,9 19,3 20,7 22,1 23,5 29,1 34,7 40,3 45,9 51,5 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 15 13,2 14,3 15,4 16,5 17,7 22,1 26,5 31,0 35,4 39,8 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 10 8,6 9,4 10,2 11,0 11,8 15,1 18,4 21,7 24,9 28,2 NOK/share
Update 2016-09-29:
The resource estimate is updated after company update 12.09.2016. The updated resource model is compared with the 2008 model here.
Resource variables Mt TiO2 % Garnet %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Measured) (Selected) 15 3,97 % 44,6 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Indicated) (Selected) 77,5 3,87 % 43,6 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Measured + indicated) (Selected) 92,5 3,89 % 43,7 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Inferred)(Selected) 138,4 3,86 % 43,5 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% measured + indicated + inferred) (Selected) 230,9 3,87 % 43,6 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Measured) 19 3,68 % 43,9 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Indicated) 105,7 3,51 % 43,0 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Measured + indicated) 124,7 3,53 % 43,2 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Inferred) 254,5 3,22 % 42,5 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% measured + indicated + inferred) 379,2 3,32 % 42,7 %
Select company estimate (2011) or 2016 updated estimate 2016 est.
Select Cut off grade: 3,0 %
Other variables Base case  
Estimated mine life 50 Years
Open pit mining 15 Years
Annual payback 500 MNOK
Payback time 4,7 Years
Payback rate 1,8 -
Yearly takeout 4,0 Mt
Exchange rate USD (2011) 5,6070 NOK
Exchange rate USD 29.09.2016 8,05 NOK
Operational Cash Cost percentage in USD 14,5 % %
Operational Cash Cost percentage in NOK 85,5 % %
Base investment cost percentage in USD 62,90 % %
Base investment cost percentage in NOK 37,10 % %
Company estimated CAPEX (2011), Investment year 0: 2014 2014  
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Production start up: 2016 2016  
External investor project share 40 % %
No. Of shares 517,2 Mill.
Additional share issue 0 Mill.
Inflation adjusted 2,5 % p.a. from 2013 to 2020 (7 x 2,5%) 2,50 % %
Rutile variables Base case  
Yearly rutile production (Selected) 97500 tonnes
TiO2 recovery rate 55 % %
TiO2 long term price 1050 USD/t
Garnet variables Base case  
Yearly garnet production, High Precision Edge 100000 tonnes
Yearly garnet production, High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) (Selected)   tonnes
Yearly garnet production, High Speed Cutting (Selected)   tonnes
Garnet grain size range 100-400 um
Garnet recovery rate (Selected) 22 % %
Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge: 100-180 um (26,7 %) 27 Mt
Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard): 180-300 um (40 %) 40 Mt
Garnet grain size - High Speed Cutting: 300-400 um (33,3 %) 34 Mt
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge 445 USD/t
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) 150 USD/t
Garnet market value - High Speed Cutting 75 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining    
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining 550 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining incl. By-prod. 185 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining, OPEX share in USD 80 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 5,607 2637 NOK/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining    
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining 970 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining incl. By-prod.               550 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining, OPEX share in USD 141 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 5,607 4650 NOK/t
Company estimated CAPEX (2011)    
Company estimated CAPEX (2011) 300 MUSD
Company estimated CAPEX (2011), share in USD 189 MUSD
Company estimated CAPEX (2011), CAPEX share in NOK, rate 5,607 624 MNOK
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining    
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining, OPEX share in USD 80 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 8,05 328 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining 407 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining    
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining, OPEX share in USD 141 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 8,05 578 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining 718 USD/t
Estimated CAPEX (2016)    
Estimated CAPEX (2016), share in USD 189 MUSD
Estimated CAPEX (2016), CAPEX share in NOK, rate 8,05 78 MUSD
Estimated CAPEX (2016) 266 MUSD
Estimated CAPEX (2016) inflation adjusted 2014-2018, 2,5% p.a. 28 MUSD
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining inflation adjusted 2016-2020, 2,5% p.a. 42 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining inflation adjusted 2016-2020, 2,5% p.a. 75 USD/t
Estimated CAPEX (2016) inflation adjusted for investment year 0 = 2018 (Selected) 294 MUSD
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining inflation adjusted for production start up 2020 (Selected) 450 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining inflation adjusted for production start up 2020 (Selected) 793 USD/t
Estimated CAPEX (2016) change -2,0 % %
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining change -18,3 % %
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining change -18,3 % %
Garnet Water Jet qualities micron  
High Precision Edge 100-180 um
High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) 180-300 um
High Speed Cutting 300-400 um
CAPEX and OPEX; 2,5% inflation adjusted p.a. for startup 2020 CAPEX OPEX 1 OPEX 2 Inflation
2011       2,50 %
2012       2,50 %
2013       2,50 %
2014 266     2,50 %
2015 273     2,50 %
2016 280 407 718 2,50 %
2017 287 417 736 2,50 %
2018 294 428 755 2,50 %
2019   439 774 2,50 %
2020   450 793 2,50 %
NORDIC RUTILE -20% -15% -10% -5% Base case +20% +40% +60% +80% +100% Unit
TiO2 resource estimate (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 Mt
TiO2 concentration (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % %
TiO2 resource estimate (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 Mt
TiO2 concentration (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % %
TiO2 total (measured + indicated + inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 Mt
TiO2 concentration (measured + indicated + inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % %
Yearly takeout 3,6 3,9 4,1 4,3 4,6 5,5 6,4 7,3 8,2 9,1 Mt
TiO2 recovery rate 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % %
Yearly TiO2 production 78000 82875 87750 92625 97500 117000 136500 156000 175500 195000 t
Estimated mine life 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Years
Garnet concentration (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % %
Garnet resource estimate, (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 40,5 Mt
Garnet concentration (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % %
Garnet resource estimate, (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 Mt
Concentration of Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge: 100-180 um (26,7 %) 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % 26,8 % %
Concentration of Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard): 180-300 um (40 %) 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % 40,3 % %
Concentration of Garnet grain size - High Speed Cutting: 300-400 um (33,3 %) 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % 33,6 % %
Garnet total (measured + indicated + inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,7 Mt
Garnet recovery rate 22,0 % 22,0 % 22,0 % 22,0 % 22,0 % 22,0 % 22,0 % 22,0 % 22,0 % 22,0 % %
Yearly production Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge: 100-180 um (26,7 %) 94271 100163 106055 111947 117839 141406 164974 188542 212109 235677 t
Yearly production Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard): 180-300 um (40 %) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t
Yearly production Garnet grain size - High Speed Cutting: 300-400 um (33,3 %) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t
TiO2 95% market value 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 USD/ton
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 USD/ton
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 USD/ton
Garnet market value - High Speed Cutting 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 USD/ton
Yearly sales income TiO2 82 87 92 97 102 123 143 164 184 205 MUSD
Yearly sales income garnet, all qualities 42 45 47 50 52 63 73 84 94 105 MUSD
Yearly sales income (TiO2 + garnet) 124 132 139 147 155 186 217 248 279 310 MUSD
Operational cost per ton TiO2 & garnet, Open pit mining 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 USD/ton
OPEX (annual production cost), Open pit mining 35,1 37,3 39,4 41,6 43,8 52,6 61,4 70,1 78,9 87,7 MUSD
Operational cost per ton TiO2 & garnet, Underground mining 793 793 793 793 793 793 793 793 793 793 USD/ton
OPEX (annual production cost), Underground mining 61,8 65,7 69,6 73,4 77,3 92,8 108,2 123,7 139,2 154,6 MUSD
Exchange rate USD/NOK 29.09.2016 8,05 8,05 8,05 8,05 8,05 8,05 8,05 8,05 8,05 8,05 NOK/USD
Yearly profit, Open pit mining 715 759 804 849 893 1072 1251 1429 1608 1787 MNOK
Yearly profit, Underground mining 499 530 562 593 624 749 874 998 1123 1248 MNOK
Total profit 28,4 30,2 31,9 33,7 35,5 42,6 49,7 56,8 63,9 71,0 BNOK
Total TiO2 production @ Cut Off 3% 3,9 4,2 4,4 4,7 4,9 5,9 6,9 7,9 8,8 9,8 Mt
Total garnet production @ Cut Off 3% 4,8 5,0 5,3 5,6 5,9 7,1 8,3 9,5 10,7 11,9 Mt
TiO2 utilization 44 % 47 % 50 % 52 % 55 % 66 % 77 % 88 % 99 % 100 % %
High Precision Edge utilization 18 % 19 % 20 % 21 % 22 % 27 % 31 % 35 % 40 % 44 % %
High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) utilization 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % %
High Speed Cutting utilization 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % %
Base investment 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1 BNOK
Payback cost 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 BNOK
Total investment cost 3,8 3,8 3,8 3,8 3,8 3,8 3,8 3,8 3,8 3,8 BNOK
External investor project share 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % %
Remaining investment cost 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 BNOK
Remaining yearly profit, Open pit mining 429 456 482 509 536 643 750 858 965 1072 MNOK
Remaining yearly profit, Underground mining 299 318 337 356 374 449 524 599 674 749 MNOK
Remaining total profit 17,0 18,1 19,2 20,2 21,3 25,6 29,8 34,1 38,3 42,6 BNOK
Number of shares 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 Mill.
Estimated additional share issue 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Mill.
Total number of shares at startup 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 Mill.
Payback time 4,7 4,7 4,7 4,7 4,7 4,7 4,7 4,7 4,7 4,7 Years
NPV 14,8 15,8 16,9 18,0 19,0 23,3 27,5 31,8 36,1 51,8 BNOK
Share value 28,5 30,6 32,6 34,7 36,8 45,0 53,2 61,5 69,7 100,1 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 20 10,9 11,9 12,8 13,8 14,8 18,6 22,4 26,3 30,1 33,9 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 15 8,0 8,8 9,6 10,4 11,1 14,2 17,4 20,5 23,6 26,7 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 10 5,1 5,7 6,3 6,9 7,5 9,9 12,3 14,7 17,1 19,4 NOK/share
Update 19.09.2016:
  • Adjusted CAPEX for investment year zero from 2014 to 2018 and OPEX for production startup from 2016 to 2020.
  • Added garnet qualities and assumed that grain sizes has linear representation
  • P/E=15 Base case increased from 5,3 to 8,1 after updated CAPEX and OPEX
Resource variables Mt TiO2 % Garnet %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Measured) 15 3,97 % 44,6 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Indicated) 77,5 3,87 % 43,6 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Measured + indicated) 92,5 3,89 % 43,7 %
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Inferred) 138,4 3,86 % 43,5 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Measured) 19 3,68 % 43,9 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Indicated) 105,7 3,51 % 43,0 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Measured + indicated) 124,7 3,53 % 43,2 %
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Inferred) 254,5 3,22 % 42,5 %
Select Cut off grade 3,0 %    
Other variables Base case  
Estimated mine life 50 Years
Open pit mining 15 Years
Annual payback 500 MNOK
Payback time 4,8 Years
Yearly rutile production         95 000 tonnes
Yearly takeout 4,0 Mt
TiO2 recovery rate 55 % %
Yearly garnet production, High Precision Edge
     100 000 tonnes
Yearly garnet production, High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard)
                   - tonnes
Yearly garnet production, High Speed Cutting
                   - tonnes
Garnet grain size range 100-400 um
Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge: 100-200 um (33,3 %) 33,5 Mt
Garnet grain size - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard): 200-300 um (33,3 %) 33,5 Mt
Garnet grain size - High Speed Cutting: 300-400 um (33,3 %) 33,5 Mt
TiO2 long term price           1 000 USD/t
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge              365 USD/t
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard)                 55 USD/t
Garnet market value - High Speed Cutting                 25 USD/t
Exchange rate USD (2011) 5,6070 NOK
Exchange rate USD 19.09.2016 8,2855 NOK
Operational Cash Cost percentage in USD 14,5 % %
Operational Cash Cost percentage in NOK 85,5 % %
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining    
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining              550 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining incl. By-prod.              185 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining, OPEX share in USD             79,8 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Open pit mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 5,607           2 637 NOK/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining    
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining              970 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining incl. By-prod.              550 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining, OPEX share in USD           140,7 USD/t
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Underground mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 5,607           4 650 NOK/t
Base investment cost percentage in USD 62,90 % %
Base investment cost percentage in NOK 37,10 % %
Company estimated CAPEX (2011)    
Company estimated CAPEX (2011) 300 MUSD
Company estimated CAPEX (2011), share in USD 189 MUSD
Company estimated CAPEX (2011), CAPEX share in NOK, rate 5,607 624 MNOK
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining    
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining, OPEX share in USD 79,8 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 8,2855 318,2 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining 3981 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining    
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining, OPEX share in USD 140,7 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining, OPEX share in NOK, rate 8,2855 561,2 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining 7022 USD/t
Estimated CAPEX (2016)    
Estimated CAPEX (2016), share in USD 188,7 MUSD
Estimated CAPEX (2016), CAPEX share in NOK, rate 8,2855 75,3 MUSD
Estimated CAPEX (2016) 2643 MUSD
Company estimated CAPEX (2011), Investment year 0: 2014    
Company estimated OPEX (2011), Production start up: 2016    
Estimated CAPEX (2016) inflation adjusted 2014-2018, 2,5% p.a. 27,4 MUSD
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining inflation adjusted 2016-2020, 2,5% p.a. 41,3 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining inflation adjusted 2016-2020, 2,5% p.a. 72,9 USD/t
Estimated CAPEX (2016) inflation adjusted for investment year 0 = 2018 291 MUSD
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining inflation adjusted for producion start up 2020 439 USD/t
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining inflation adjusted for producion start up 2020 775 USD/t
Estimated CAPEX (2016) change -2,9 % %
Estimated OPEX (2016), Open pit mining change -20,1 % %
Estimated OPEX (2016), Underground mining change -20,1 % %
Payback rate 1,8 -
External investor project share 40 % %
No. Of shares 517,2 Mill.
Additional share issue 0 Mill.
Garnet Water Jet qualities micron  
High Precision Edge 100-200 um
High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) 200-300 um
High Speed Cutting 300-400 um
CAPEX and OPEX; 2,5% inflation
adjusted p.a. for startup 2020
OPEX open pit (USD/t) OPEX under-ground (USD/t) Inflation
2011       2,50 %
2012       2,50 %
2013       2,50 %
2014 2643     2,50 %
2015 271     2,50 %
2016 277 3981 7022 2,50 %
2017 284 408 719 2,50 %
2018 291 418 737 2,50 %
2019   429 756 2,50 %
2020   439 775 2,50 %
NORDIC RUTILE -20% -15% -10% -5% Base case +20% +40% +60% +80% +100% Unit
TiO2 resource estimate (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 Mt
TiO2 concentration (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % %
TiO2 resource estimate (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 Mt
TiO2 concentration (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % %
TiO2 total (measured + indicated + inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 Mt
TiO2 concentration (measured + indicated + inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % 3,87 % %
Yearly takeout 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 Mt
TiO2 recovery rate 61 % 61 % 61 % 61 % 61 % 61 % 61 % 61 % 61 % 61 % %
Yearly TiO2 production 76 000 80 750 85 500 90 250 95 000 114 000 133 000 152 000 171 000 190 000 t
Estimated mine life 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Years
Garnet concentration (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % %
Garnet resource estimate, (measured + indicated) @ Cut Off 3% 40,4 40,4 40,4 40,4 40,4 40,4 40,4 40,4 40,4 40,4 Mt
Garnet concentration (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % %
Garnet resource estimate, (inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 Mt
Concentration of Garnet grain size 100-200 um (33,3 %) 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % %
Concentration of Garnet grain size 200-300 um (33,3 %) 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % %
Concentration of Garnet grain size 300-400 um (33,3 %) 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % 33,5 % %
Garnet total (measured + indicated + inferred) @ Cut Off 3% 100,6 100,6 100,6 100,6 100,6 100,6 100,6 100,6 100,6 100,6 Mt
Yearly production Garnet grain size 100-200 um (33,3 %) 80000 85000 90000 95000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 t
Yearly production Garnet grain size 200-300 um (33,3 %) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t
Yearly production Garnet grain size 300-400 um (33,3 %) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t
TiO2 95% market value 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 USD/ton
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 USD/ton
Garnet market value - High Precision Edge, (Industry Standard) 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 USD/ton
Garnet market value - High Speed Cutting 25 25 25 25  25 25 25 25 25 25 USD/ton
Yearly sales income TiO2 76 81 86 90 95 114 133 152 171 190 MUSD
Yearly sales income garnet, all qualities 29 31 33 35 37 44 51 58 66 73 MUSD
Yearly sales income (TiO2 + garnet) 105 112 118 125 132 158 184 210 237 263 MUSD
Operational cost per ton TiO2 & garnet, Open pit mining 439 439 439 439 439 439 439 439 439 439 USD/ton
OPEX (annual production cost), Open pit mining 33,4 35,5 37,6 39,6 41,7 50,1 58,4 66,8 75,1 83,5 MUSD
Operational cost per ton TiO2 & garnet, Underground mining 775 775 775 775  775 775 775 775 775 775 USD/ton
OPEX (annual production cost), Underground mining 58,9 62,6 66,2 69,9 73,6 88,3 103,0 117,8 132,5 147,2 MUSD
Exchange rate USD/NOK 19.09.2016 8,29 8,29 8,29 8,29 8,29 8,29 8,29 8,29 8,29 8,29 NOK/USD
Yearly profit, Open pit mining 595 632 669 707 744 893 1041 1190 1339 1488 MNOK
Yearly profit, Underground mining 384 408 432 456 480 576 672 768 863 959 MNOK
Total profit 22,4 23,8 25,2 26,5 27,9 33,5 39,1 44,7 50,3 55,9 BNOK
Total TiO2 production @ Cut Off 3% 3,80 4,04 4,28 4,51 4,75 5,70 6,65  7,60 8,55 9,50 Mt
Total garnet production @ Cut Off 3% 4,00  4,25 4,50 4,75 5,00   6,00  7,00  8,00  9,00 10,00 Mt
TiO2 utilization 42,5 % 45,2 % 47,8 % 50,5 % 53,1 % 63,8 % 74,4 % 85,0 % 95,6 % 106,3 % %
Garnet High Precision
Edge utilization
11,9 % 12,7 % 13,4 % 14,2 % 14,9 % 17,9 % 20,9 % 23,9 % 26,9 % 29,8 % %
Garnet High Precision Edge, (IndustryStandard)
0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % %
Garnet High Speed Cutting utilization 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % %
Base investment 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 BNOK
Payback cost 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 BNOK
Total investment cost 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 BNOK
External investor project share 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % %
Remaining investment cost 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 BNOK
Remaining yearly profit, Open pit mining 357 379 402 424 446 536 625 714 803 893 MNOK
Remaining yearly profit, Underground mining 230 245 259 273 288 345 403 461 518 576 MNOK
Remaining total profit 13,4 14,3 15,1 15,9 16,8 20,1 23,5 26,8 30,2 33,5 BNOK
Number of shares 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 Mill.
Estimated additional share issue 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Mill.
Total number of shares at startup 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 Mill.
Payback time 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8 Years
NPV 10,9 11,7 12,6 13,4 14,2 17,6 20,9 24,3 27,7 42,1 BNOK
Share value 21,0 22,7 24,3 25,9 27,5 34,0 40,5 47,0 53,5 81,4 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 20 8,9 9,8 9,3 10,0 10,8 14,0 17,1 20,3 23,4 26,6 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 15 5,5 6,1 6,8 7,4 8,1 10,6 13,2 15,8 18,4 21,0 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 10 3,2 3,7 4,3 4,8 5,3 7,3 9,3 11,4 13,4 15,4 NOK/share
Update 13.09.2016:
  • Garnet recovery grade is set to 5% based on annual production of approx. 100 000 tonnes.
  • Only TiO2 resource estimates @ Cut off grade 3% are included.
  • Mine life is set to 50 years independent of estimated resource size and annual production.
  • Share value based on total resource estimate increased from 18,6 NOK/share to 30,2 NOK/share because of increased resource estimate.
  • PE=15 decreased from 7,6 NOK/share to 5,3 NOK/share mainly because of lower USD exhange rate (8,58 -> 8,24)
Resource variables Mt TiO2 % Garnet %
TiO2 Mt
Garnet Mt
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Measured) 15 3,97 % 44,6 % 0,6 6,7
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Indicated) 77,5 3,87 % 43,6 % 3,0 33,9
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Measured + indicated) 92,5 3,89 % 43,7 % 3,6 40,4
TiO2 Cut off 3% (Inferred) 138,4 3,86 % 43,5 % 5,3 60,2
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Measured) 19 3,68 % 43,9 % 0,7 8,3
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Indicated) 105,7 3,51 % 43,0 % 3,7 45,5
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Measured + indicated) 124,7 3,53 % 43,2 % 4,4 53,9
TiO2 Cut off 2% (Inferred) 254,5 3,22 % 42,5 % 8,2 108,2
Other variables    
Estimated mine life 50 Years
Payback time 5 Years
Yearly rutile production 95000 tonnes
TiO2 recovery rate 55 % %
Garnet recovery rate 5 % %
TiO2 long term price 1000 USD/t
Garnet market value 315 USD/t
OPEX 550 USD/t
Exchange rate 8,24 NOK
Base investment cost 2,8 BNOK
Payback rate 1,8 -
External investor project share 40 % %
No. Of shares 517,2328 Mill.
Additional share issue 0 Mill.
NORDIC RUTILE -20% -15% -10% -5% Base case +20% +40% +60% +80% +100% Unit
TiO2 resource estimate (measured + indicated) Cut Off 3% 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 92,5 Mt
TiO2 concentration (measured + indicated) 3% Cut Off 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % 3,89 % %
TiO2 resource estimate (inferred) Cut Off 3% 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 138,4 Mt
TiO2 concentration (inferred) 3% Cut Off 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % 3,86 % %
TiO2 recovery rate 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % 55 % %
TiO2 total (measured + indicated + inferred) 3% Cut Off 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 Mt
Yearly TiO2 production 76000 80750 85500 90250 95000 114000 133000 152000 171000 190000 t
Estimated mine life 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0 Years
Garnet concentration (measured + indicated) 3% Cut Off 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % 43,7 % %
Garnet resource estimate, (measured + indicated) Cut Off 3% 40,4 40,4 40,4 40,4 40,4 40,4 40,4 40,4 40,4 40,4 Mt
Garnet concentration (inferredd) 3% Cut Off 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % 43,5 % %
Garnet resource estimate, (inferred) Cut Off 3% 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 60,2 Mt
Garnet recovery rate 5 % 5 % 5 % 5 % 5 % 5 % 5 % 5 % 5 % 5 % %
Garnet total (measured + indicated + inferred) 3% Cut Off 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 Mt
Yearly garnet production 80501 85533 90564 95595 100627 120752 140877 161002 181128 201253 t
TiO2 95% market value 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 USD/ton
Garnet market value 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 USD/ton
Yearly sales (TiO2 + garnet) 101 108 114 120 127 152 177 203 228 253 MUSD
Operational cost per ton TiO2 & garnet 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 USD/ton
OPEX (annual production cost) 41,8 44,4 47,0 49,6 52,3 62,7 73,2 83,6 94,1 104,5 MUSD
Exchange rate USD/NOK 8,24 8,24 8,24 8,24 8,24 8,24 8,24 8,24 8,24 8,24 NOK/USD
Yearly profit 491 521 552 583 613 736 859 982 1104 1227 MNOK
Base investment 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 BNOK
Payback cost 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 BNOK
Total investment cost 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,6 BNOK
External investor project share 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % %
Remaining investment cost 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 BNOK
Remaining yearly profit 294 313 331 350 368 442 515 589 663 736 MNOK
Number of shares 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 Mill.
Estimated additional share issue 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Mill.
Total number of shares at startup 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 Mill.
Payback time 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Years
NPV 12,0 12,9 13,8 14,7 15,6 19,3 23,0 26,7 30,4 34,0 BNOK
Share value 23,1 24,9 26,7 28,5 30,2 37,4 44,5 51,6 58,7 65,8 NOK
Share value for P/E = 20 6,0 6,8 7,5 8,2 8,9 11,7 14,6 17,4 20,3 23,1 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 15 3,2 3,7 4,3 4,8 5,3 7,5 9,6 11,7 13,9 16,0 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 10 0,4 0,7 1,1 1,4 1,8 3,2 4,6 6,0 7,5 8,9 NOK/share
Update 29.06.2016
NORDIC RUTILE Low Base case  - 35% Medium low Base case  - 15% Base case Base case  + 15% Medium high Base case  + 35% High Unit
Resource estimate 77,2 100,3 115,7 131,2 154,3 177,4 192,9 208,3 231,5 Mill. tonnes
Historic resource estimate 190 247 285 323 380 437 475 513 570 Mill. tonnes
Rutile concentration 2,82 % 3,10 % 3,28 % 3,47 % 3,75 % 4,04 % 4,22 % 4,41 % 4,69 %  
Yearly rutile production < 95% TiO2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tonnes
Yearly rutile production 95% TiO2 43500 56550 65250 73950 87000 100050 108750 117450 130500 tonnes
Yearly rutile production > 95% TiO2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tonnes
Recovery rate 41 % 45 % 48 % 51 % 55 % 59 % 62 % 65 % 69 %  
TiO2 total 0,90 1,41 1,83 2,32 3,19 4,23 5,04 5,94 7,47 Mill. tonnes
Estimated mine life 21 25 28 31 37 42 46 51 57 years
Market value < 95% TiO2 350 455 525 595 700 805 875 945 1050 USD/ton
Market value 95% TiO2 500 650 750 850 1000 1150 1250 1350 1500 USD/ton
Market value > 95% TiO2 650 845 975 1105 1300 1495 1625 1755 1950 USD/ton
Yearly market value TiO2 21,8 36,8 48,9 62,9 87,0 115,1 135,9 158,6 195,8 MUSD
Yearly granate production Quality 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tonnes
Yearly granate production Quality 2 50000 65000 75000 85000 100000 115000 125000 135000 150000 tonnes
Yearly granate production Quality 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tonnes
Market value granate Quality 1 113 146 169 191 225 259 281 304 338 USD/ton
Market value granate Quality 2 188 244 281 319 375 431 469 506 563 USD/ton
Market value granate Quality 3 263 341 394 446 525 604 656 709 788 USD/ton
Yearly market value Granate 9,4 15,8 21,1 27,1 37,5 49,6 58,6 68,3 84,4 MUSD
OPEX 495 545 578 611 660 710 743 776 825 USD/ton
Profit 221 386 496 606 771 936 1046 1156 1322 USD/ton
Exchange rate USD/NOK 6,44 7,08 7,51 7,94 8,58 9,22 9,65 10,08 10,73 NOK/USD
Yearly profit 62 154 243 356 576 864 1098 1369 1850 MNOK
Total profit 1,3 3,8 6,8 11,1 21,1 36,6 50,9 69,2 105,8 MRD NOK
Base investment 2,1 2,3 2,5 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,3 3,5 MRD NOK
Payback cost 135 % 149 % 158 % 167 % 180 % 194 % 203 % 212 % 225 %  
Total investment cost 2,8 3,4 3,9 4,3 5,0 5,8 6,4 7,0 7,9 MRD NOK
External investor project share 30,0 % 33,0 % 35,0 % 37,0 % 40,0 % 43,0 % 45,0 % 47,0 % 50,0 %  
Remaining investment cost 2,0 2,3 2,5 2,7 3,0 3,3 3,5 3,7 3,9 MRD NOK
Remaining profit 0,9 2,6 4,4 7,0 12,6 20,8 28,0 36,7 52,9 MRD NOK
NPV -1,1 0,3 1,9 4,3 9,6 17,5 24,5 33,0 49,0 MRD NOK
Yearly NPV -53 11 68 137 263 414 528 653 856 MNOK
Number of shares 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 Mill.
Share value -2,1 0,5 3,7 8,3 18,6 33,9 47,3 63,8 94,7 NOK/share
Share value based on historic estimate -5,2 1,3 9,1 20,5 45,8 83,4 116,6 157,1 233,2 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 20 -2,1 0,4 2,6 5,3 10,2 16,0 20,4 25,2 33,1 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 15 -1,5 0,3 2,0 4,0 7,6 12,0 15,3 18,9 24,8 NOK/share
Share value for P/E = 10 -1,0 0,2 1,3 2,7 5,1 8,0 10,2 12,6 16,5 NOK/share

Last updated: 28.06.2016
Updated: 27.06.2016 Low Base case  - 35% Medium low Base case  - 15% Base case Base case  + 15% Medium high Base case  + 35% High Unit
Resource estimate 77,2 100,3 115,7 131,2 154,3 177,4 192,9 208,3 231,5 Mill. tonnes
Historical resource estimate 190 247 285 323 380 437 475 513 570 Mill. tonnes
Rutile concentration 2,82 % 3,10 % 3,28 % 3,47 % 3,75 % 4,04 % 4,22 % 4,41 % 4,69 %  
Yearly rutile production < 95% TiO2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tonnes
Yearly rutile production 95% TiO2 45000 58500 67500 76500 90000 103500 112500 121500 135000 tonnes
Yearly rutile production > 95% TiO2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tonnes
Recovery rate 41 % 45 % 48 % 51 % 55 % 59 % 62 % 65 % 69 %  
TiO2 total 0,90 1,41 1,83 2,32 3,19 4,23 5,04 5,94 7,47 Mill. tonnes
Mine life 20 24 27 30 35 41 45 49 55 years
Market value < 95% TiO2 350 455 525 595 700 805 875 945 1050 USD/ton
Market value 95% TiO2 500 650 750 850 1000 1150 1250 1350 1500 USD/ton
Market value > 95% TiO2 650 845 975 1105 1300 1495 1625 1755 1950 USD/ton
Total market value TiO2 22,5 38,0 50,6 65,0 90 119,0 140,6 164,0 202,5 MUSD
Yearly garnet production Quality 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tonnes
Yearly garnet production Quality 2 50000 65000 75000 85000 100000 115000 125000 135000 150000 tonnes
Yearly garnet production Quality 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tonnes
Market value garnet Quality 1 113 146 169 191 225 259 281 304 338 USD/ton
Market value garnet Quality 2 187,5 243,75 281,25 318,75 375 431,25 468,75 506,25 562,5 USD/ton
Market value garnet Quality 3 263 341 394 446 525 604 656 709 788 USD/ton
Total market value Garnet 9,4 15,8 21,1 27,1 37,5 49,6 58,6 68,3 84,4 MUSD
OPEX 495 545 578 611 660 710 743 776 825 USD/ton
Profit 213 376 485 594 757 920 1028 1137 1300 USD/ton
USD exchange rate 6,44 7,08 7,51 7,94 8,58 9,22 9,65 10,08 10,73 NOK/USD
Yearly profit 62 156 246 360 584 878 1117 1393 1882 MNOK
Total profit 1,2 3,8 6,7 10,9 20,7 35,9 50,0 68,1 104,1 MRD NOK
Base investment 2,1 2,3 2,5 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,3 3,5 MRD NOK
Payback cost 135 % 149 % 158 % 167 % 180 % 194 % 203 % 212 % 225 %  
Total investment cost 2,8 3,4 3,9 4,3 5,0 5,8 6,4 7,0 7,9 MRD NOK
External investor project share 30,0 % 33,0 % 35,0 % 37,0 % 40,0 % 43,0 % 45,0 % 47,0 % 50,0 %  
Remaining investment cost 2,0 2,3 2,5 2,7 3,0 3,3 3,5 3,7 3,9 MRD NOK
Remaining profit 0,9 2,5 4,3 6,9 12,4 20,5 27,5 36,1 52,1 MRD NOK
NPV -1,1 0,2 1,8 4,2 9,4 17,2 24,0 32,4 48,1 MRD NOK
Yearly NPV -56 9 67 137 265 419 536 663 870 MNOK
Number of shares 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 Mill.
Share value -2,2 0,4 3,5 8,0 18,1 33,2 46,4 62,6 93,0 NOK/share
Share value based on historical estimate -5,3 1,0 8,7 19,8 44,7 81,7 114,3 154,2 229,1 NOK/share
P/E 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28  
Share value for P/E -1,3 0,2 2,1 4,8 10,3 17,8 24,9 33,3 47,1 NOK/share
Sist oppdatert 19.06.2016

Estimatet basert på Sintef's EBITDA estimat for hhv. dagbrudds- og underjordsdrift stemmer forbløffende godt overens med estimatet "medium lav" som er grunncaset pr. i dag. EBITDA ved dagbruddsdrift: 60%, EBITDA ved underjordsdrift: 35%

  • "Medium lav" er grunncaset pr. idag.
  • "Snitt" anses som mest realistisk basert på at tidligere estimater er på 383 mill. tonn
  • Det er forutsatt at resterende kapital som trengs før investeringsbeslutning hentes fra salg av Keliberandeler
  • Det er forutsatt at en investor får 40% av prosjektet
  Lav Medium lav Snitt Medium høy Høy Enhet
Forekomst @ 3,8% 139 154 269 383 460 mill tonn
Produksjonstid 29 36 64 92 111 år
Rutilkonsentrasjon i eklogitten 3,42 % 3,80 % 3,88 % 3,92 % 3,96 % %
Rutilmalm totalt 4,7 5,9 10,4 15,0 18,2 mill. tonn
Utvinningsgrad 50 % 55 % 61 % 66 % 72 % %
Årlig rutilproduksjon (95% TiO2) 81000 90000 99000 108000 117000 tonn
Årlig granatproduksjon 90000 100000 110000 120000 130000 tonn
Salgsverdi 95% TiO2 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 USD/tonn
Salgsverdi granatkonsentrat 225 300 375 450 525 USD/tonn
Break even 540 600 660 720 780 USD/tonn
Profitt pr tonn 95% TiO2 360 400 440 480 520 USD/tonn
Profitt pr tonn granatkonsentrat 225 300 375 450 525 USD/tonn
Kurs: 1 USD = 8,36 NOK 7,52 8,36 9,20 10,03 10,87 NOK/USD
Profitt i NOK pr tonn 95% TiO2 2709 3344 4046 4815 5651 NOK/tonn
Profitt i NOK pr tonn rutilkonsentrat 1693 2508 3449 4514 5706 NOK/tonn
Årlig profitt 372 552 780 1062 1403 mill. kr
Total profitt 11 20 50 97 156 mrd. kr
Minus investeringskostnader 2,3 2,5 2,8 3,0 3,3 mrd. kr
Gjenstående finansiering fram til investeringsbeslutning finansieres ved salg av Kelibereiendeler 115 128 141 169 220 mill. kr
Total profitt etter investeringer 8,5 17,2 46,9 94,4 152,8 mrd. kr
Salg av 40% til investor -3,4 -6,9 -18,8 -37,8 -61,1 mrd. kr
Gjenstående verdi til aksjefordeling 5,1 10,3 28,1 56,6 91,7 mrd. kr
Antall aksjer pr. 16.06.2016 500,0 555,5 611,1 666,6 722,2 mill. aksjer
Bidrag aksjeverdi (dersom salg "i dag") 10,2 18,6 46,0 85,0 126,9 kr/aksje
Ved P/E (aksjeverdi/resultat pr. aksje) 16 18 20 22 24 -
Aksjeverdi når P/E legges til grunn for 60% av årlig inntjening (salg av 40% til investor) 7,1 10,7 15,3 21,0 28,0 kr/aksje
EBITDA ved dagbruddsdrift (fra Sintef rapport 2013 "Økonomiske ringvirkninger av mineralbrudd i Engebøfjellet") Sintef har beregnet ebitda til 60% ved dagbruddsdrift. 473 523 573 623 673 mill. NOK
EBITDA ved underjordsdrift (fra Sintef rapport 2013 "Økonomiske ringvirkninger av mineralbrudd i Engebøfjellet") Sintef har beregnet ebitda til 35% ved underjordsdrift. 382 399 416 433 450 mill. NOK
Aksjekurs basert på 15 år med dagbruddsdrift og 5 år med underjordsdrift (P/E=20) og hensyntatt 40% inntektsreduksjon pga. salg til investor (fra Sintef rapport 2013 "Økonomiske ringvirkninger av mineralbrudd i Engebøfjellet") 10,8 10,6 10,5 10,4 10,3 kr/aksje
Tidligere oppdatering: 13.06.2015:
Verdivurdering av rutilforekomsten i Engebø. Oppstartskostnader på 300 mill USD er trukket ifra.

"15000 m kjerneboringer har påvist kjente ressurser på 400 millioner tonn med god rutilførende eklogitt med et snittinnhold på ca 3,5 % rutil. Innholdet varierer mellom 2 % og 7 %, og rutilen er disseminert (spredt) i eklogittbergarten. Forekomsten fortsetter ned mot dypet, og store mengder sannsynlig ressurs er indikert ved hjelp av gravimetriske undersøkelser."

Engebø-forekomsten inneholder rutil som kan fremstilles i renhet av 93 – 96 % TiO2.

Langtidskontrakter for titan rutil 95% TiO2 i bulk ligger rundt USD 1000 pr. tonn

  Lav Snitt Høy Enhet
Forekomst @ 3,77% 91,95 122,6 306,5 mill tonn
Forekomst @ 3,75% 23,775 31,7 79,25 mill tonn
Produksjonstid 46 58 138 år
Rutilkonsentrasjon i eklogitten 3,58 % 3,77 % 3,96 %  
Rutilkonsentrasjon i eklogitten 3,56 % 3,75 % 3,94 %  
Rutilmalm totalt 4127220 5792590 15205549 tonn
Utvinningsgrad 55 % 55 % 55 %  
Årlig rutilproduksjon (95% TiO2) 90000 100000 110000 tonn
Salgsverdi 95% TiO2 750 1000 1250 USD/tonn
Break even 375 500 625 USD/tonn
Profitt pr tonn 95% TiO2 375 500 625 USD/tonn
26.05.2015: 1 USD = 7,75 NOK 6,975 7,75 8,525 NOK/USD
Profitt pr tonn 95% TiO2 2616 3875 5328 NOK/tonn
Årlig profitt 235,4 387,5 586,1 mill. kr
Total profitt 10,8 22,4 81,0 mrd. kr
Minus investeringskostnader 2,22 2,22 2,22 mrd. kr
Total profitt etter investeringer 8,6 20,2 78,8 mrd. kr
Antall aksjer pr. 29.12.2014 308,5 308,5 308,5 mill. aksjer
Estimert akseutvidelse 19 % 25 % 31 % økning
Antall aksjer etter utvidelse 366,3 385,6 404,9 mill. aksjer
Bidrag aksjeverdi 23,4 52,5 194,6 kr/aksje

Årlig utvinning av 100 000 tonn granatkonsentrat som biprodukt er ikke tatt med i beregningene.



Titanpriser (alibaba):