Verdivurdering Nordic Ocean Resources AS
18.01.2015 13:47
Sist oppdatert: 18.01.2015
- A conclusion regarding a possible launch of the potential project is expected in Q2 2015. The potential project will include an exploration cruise on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, mineral sampling, analyses and process test work.
- NORA has applied for mineral exploration rights on the Norwegian MAR. The application is being considered by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries. A granting of submarine mineral exploration rights will anchor NORA’s industrial position as a seabed mineral exploration company.
Sist oppdatert: 18.01.2015
Ressurs | Estimat | 5% sanns. | Enhet |
Kobber (Cu) | 6,4 | 20 | mill tonn |
Sink (Zn) | 6,5 | 21 | mill tonn |
Gull (Au) | 170 | 652 | tonn |
Sølv (Ag) | 9901 | 32883 | tonn |
Ressurs | USD/ton | NOK/tonn | Est. | 5 % | Enhet |
Kobber (Cu) | 7000 | 52920 | 339 | 1058 | mrd. NOK |
Sink (Zn) | 2000 | 15120 | 98 | 318 | mrd. NOK |
Gull (Au) | 41800643 | 316012861 | 54 | 206 | mrd. NOK |
Sølv (Ag) | 643087 | 4861738 | 48 | 160 | mrd. NOK |
Sum | 539 | 1742 | mrd. NOK |
NOK/USD 18.01.2015: 7,56 kr
Utvinningstid: 30 år
Netto fortjeneste etter skatt: 5%
Ressurs | USD/ton | NOK/tonn | Est. | Snitt | 5 % | Enhet |
Kobber (Cu) | 7000 | 52920 | 339 | 699 | 1058 | mrd. NOK |
Sink (Zn) | 2000 | 15120 | 98 | 208 | 318 | mrd. NOK |
Gull (Au) | 41800643 | 316012861 | 54 | 130 | 206 | mrd. NOK |
Sølv (Ag) | 643087 | 4861738 | 48 | 104 | 160 | mrd. NOK |
Sum | 539 | 1140 | 1742 | mrd. NOK | ||
Netto tot. | 27 | 57 | 87 | mrd. NOK | ||
Netto/år | 0,90 | 1,90 | 2,90 | mrd. NOK/år | ||
Aksjebidrag | 88 | 187 | 286 | kr/aksje |